Posuban shrines are found in the coastal areas of the Fante people. These shrines can be anything from simple statues, such as the Posuban crab in Cape Coast, to elaborate concrete structures with life-size figures, fantasy creatures and other strange objects. Some are well maintained and regularly painted, while others can look like they need some attention. But all are certainly interesting.
Long ago these were the posts for local Asafo companies, or tribal militias. Now decommissioned as military units, the Asafo remains as a social and political organization that is responsible for maintaining these shrines and arranging annual Asafo festivals.
The dozen traditional Ashanti buildings are the only surviving examples of this traditional architecture. These buildings are all near Kumasi and designated a World Heritage Site. They have steep thatched roofs with lower walls painted the color of the earth and the upper walls whitewashed. The walls hold symbolic murals, like those on the Adinkra cloth.
The buildings consist of four rooms around a central courtyard. Three of the rooms are open and used for drumming, singing and household activities. The closed room is the actual shrine and is generally closed to all but the priest or priestess, and assistants.
The center courtyard will contain a number of fetishes and is home to the Obosomfie, the spiritual abode of a deity, who manifests itself through those who the spirit will enter.
Throughout Ghana many people recognize the spirit of their ancestors. Prayers will be made and offerings given to important family members that have passed into the spirit world. These ancestors are always with you and offer guidance and protection. It is for this assistance that elaborate funerals are so important to give to the spirit of the deceased.
Important anniversaries of the passing of ancestors will also be remembered, with especially large celebrations being held on the 1 year, 5 year, 10 year anniversaries of death, and beyond.
Ghana is a place where many traditional gods share the religious landscape with Christian and Muslim religions. It is not unusual to see icons of the great religions of the world at places of traditional Ghanaian worship.
You will encounter sacred spaces for these traditional gods at many places in Ghana. These shrines may be elaborate structures, simple creations, or a natural object, such as a stone, a forest grove, or even a fallen tree. All are equally sacred and must be accorded proper respect.
In the traditional way, there are spirits associated with all the things around you. The stone, the wind, thunder, the river, trees, and all the things in creation that surround you are all recognized to have a spirit.
Gifts are given at these spaces when asking a favor or for protection. At some shrines, the gods will be put to sleep at night by covering them with a cloth, and awoke in the morning with gong, bells, chants and/or prayers.
About 60% of Ghanaian population are Christian, mostly in the south. So of course there are numerous churches, cathedrals and other places of Christian worship throughout Ghana. You can explore lovely churches in Accra, Kumasi, Ho and other large cities, as well as surprisingly in Navrongo in the far north. Catholic and Methodist churches are particularly elaborate in some places.
Islam is the 2nd largest religion in Ghana. Muslims are about 21% of the Ghanaian population and are the majority in the north of Ghana. Mosques can be found in every town or city in Ghana. In a number of places in the north, there are ancient mosques that are quite amazing. You are always welcome for prayers if a practicing Muslim. Otherwise, the Imam or a caretaker will be able to give you a tour.
Unique to many countries with heterogeneous religious populations, Christians and Muslims live together in harmony in Ghana. Both Christian and Muslim holidays are recognized National Holidays and are celebrated by peoples of all faiths.
Read more about the Religions of Ghana