Our Translations

You may have noticed that we have translations of our home page in many languages. These translations were created as gifts to Easy Track Ghana by citizens of these countries. We did not pay a translation service for these pages.

Ghana is an English-speaking country, and all our guides speak English well. Ghana is surrounded on all 3 sides by French-speaking countries, so French is not uncommon near the borders. As such, we also have some staff that speak French and English.

Twi is the most common language in Ghana and of course all our guides speak Twi, as well as many of the other languages of Ghana. We have a Twi translation for Ghanaians that encourages domestic tourism. Our Twi page is a unique message that is different from the other translated pages.

Understandably though, we do not have staff that speak any of the other languages you see translated except perhaps at an elementary level. These pages are included as a convenience for those whom English is a second language.

We have hosted people from over 40 countries and are comfortable with language issues that may arise. In the event that a translator is desired for your tour, we are able to provide guides that speak various foreign languages. But be advised these guides are more costly. We are also very close to the University of Ghana at Legon, giving us the ability to find appropriate translators through the Languages Department at the university that would be available to accompany any tour.

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